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Arcelay Taking Mayor's Office to Neighbors

Arcelay Taking Mayor's Office to Neighbors
City of Allentown Mayor’s Special Assistant Ismael Arcelay is extending office hours to city neighborhoods beginning Wednesday, June 5.

Arcelay will entertain issues from his Mayor’s Office of Constituent Services from various locations in the city on two days of each month.

“It’s not always possible for people to make their way to city hall and it’s more personable than picking-up the telephone,” said Mayor Ed Pawlowski. “I also hope these neighborhood appearances will prompt more people to open-up about their concerns that involve their city government.”

According to Arcelay, he’ll be acting to ensure that residents are receiving information on city services. “OCS addresses residents’ concerns and complaints by collaborating with city agencies and offering an avenue for residents to voice their concerns and suggestions on improvements of city services.”

Additionally, OCS will provide information on a variety of issues and make appropriate referrals to other government entities and human services programs.

“We provide a lot of different services that may be interest to constituents, but they may not be aware,” said Arcelay. “For instance, I can help them with questions and issues concerning properties and inspections and accessibility for people with a disability. Are they concerned about human rights issues in Allentown? Do they want a speaker for their community group on city and constituent services? Those are just some of the ways that I can be of assistance.”

More information about the Office of Constituent Services will be available on the city website at 

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